Empower App: A Free Tool to Build Power Through Relationships

Approved 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, and labor groups enjoy FREE access to a suite of organizing tools, including both the organizer and activist smartphone apps. Empower is affordable for state parties and candidates. Available in English and Spanish, web and mobile.


Build & Manage Relationships

Empower gives you tools to build, manage, and maintain a network of relationships that you can use to create change and build long term power.

  • FREE for 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4) organizations, affordable to candidates and parties

  • 3 levels of access permissions (director, organizer, volunteer)

  • Relational network management with the most tested tool in the industry

  • NGP VAN API Integration, LAN, EveryAction, API: Tableau, SQL, JSON Format, AWS, BigQuery, CSV Imports/Exports

  • Import or export your data

  • Mass texting to stay in touch with volunteers

  • Organizer app for coaching and follow ups

All-in-One App for Volunteers

Empower can be your volunteer action hub to stay connected with volunteers.

  • Engage volunteers with relational calls to action (e.g. recruiting, mobilizing, events, fundraising, etc.)

  • Open Canvassing

  • Door to Door Canvassing with auto-turf cutting and ability to request nearby turf

  • Phone and text bank

  • Support for calling, texting, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, and Signal

  • iOS, Android and web support

  • Pen and paper option for low-tech volunteers

  • In-app branding for your organization

  • Spanish and English language support

Maximize Your Impact

We build best practices from research into the tool itself, so you can have more impact with less effort.

  • Real time dashboards to track your campaign

  • Gamification to celebrate volunteers’ progress

  • Best practices from research built into the app

  • Extensive trainings and support, with Spanish accessibility

  • Weekly Check-Ins with Partner Success Team Member

  • Ability to Enable Payments for Paid Relational Programs

What Our Users Say

Get the App!

*Free for certified 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, and labor groups. Low cost for candidates.